Sports and exercise-associated trauma & risks

Regular exercise has many benefits for the body, but even regular and careful exercise does carry some risks. Most people experience some minor sports-related injuries in their routine. These can be, for example, strained muscles, blisters and such. However, some will experience more serious injuries such as torn cartilages or fractures.

Regular exercise has many benefits for the body, but even regular and careful exercise does carry some risks. Most people experience some minor sports-related injuries in their routine. These can be, for example, strained muscles, blisters and such. However, some will experience more serious injuries such as torn cartilages or fractures.

Sports and exercise-associated risks

Lower leg injuries come in many forms and can be painful and difficult to diagnose and treat.

Physical activity of any sort does carry a risk of injury. Most people who take up regular sporting activity will only experience minor sports-related injuries.

Types of sports injuries

Most sports injuries involve either sudden or gradual damage (trauma) to the musculoskeletal system. This means to the structures that hold the skeleton together and move it along.

• Muscles
• Bones
• Ligaments
• Tendons
• Joints
• Cartilage

What to do in case of sports injury?

Always stop exercising if you feel pain. Continuing to exercise while you're injured may cause further damage. Seek immediate medical advice. Sometimes minor injuries may be treated easily at home.

Go see a doctor if:

• pain prevents you from resuming sport
• pain prevents you from resuming your normal activities

For more severe injuries such as fractures, dislocations you may need urgent medical help.

How sudden sports injuries are treated?

Among the first aid practices that might help a great deal if you have just injured yourself is RICE, which stands for:

• Rest
• Ice
• Compression
• Elevation

Active rehabilitation

Active rehabilitation or therapeutic exercise is a tailored programme including variety of methods:

• rest
• exercise
• physiotherapy

It is used to speed up recovery and return to full function in short terms. It is also focused towards enabling athletes to stay fit while resting the injured body part. Rehabilitation also educates the patient or athlete in techniques and postures, so any mistakes that have contributed to the injury are not repeated in the future.

Recommended medical centers for this type of disease

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