
Biochemistry represents a study of chemical composition of living cells and organisms and chemical processes. The term "biochemistry" appeared in 1903, introduced by the German chemist Karl Nauberg...
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Biochemistry represents a study of chemical composition of living cells and organisms and chemical processes. The term "biochemistry" appeared in 1903, introduced by the German chemist Karl Nauberg. This is a relatively young science, which is at the intersection of biology and chemistry.

Emerged as a science of chemistry of life at the end of the XIX century, biochemistry is different from organic chemistry dealing only with those substances and chemical reactions occurring in living organisms, especially in a living cell.

Biochemistry also covers many areas of cell biology, including molecular biology. Molecular biologists work mainly with nucleic acids, study of structure and function while biochemists direct their research to proteins – enzymes that catalyze biochemical reactions.

Biochemistry, as an independent science, established about 100 years ago, but the biochemical processes have been used in ancient times without people even knowing about that.

From the end of the twentieth century, biochemistry has been using some methods for molecular and cell biology. In recent decades there has been great development in the field of computer simulation.

This technique allows to investigate biomolecules properties when it is not possible (or very difficult) to carry out a direct experiment. The technique is based on a computer program that allows to visualize the structure of the biomolecules.

Basic methods in biochemistry

Biochemistry applies different methods: in classical biochemistry methodologies of analytical and organic chemistry, physical chemistry and physics are used.

Among the most commonly used techniques are: centrifugation, chromatography, electrophoresis, spectroscopy and other isotopic techniques; crystallization, potentiometric, electrochemical, and manometer polarographic techniques.

Health benefits

Accuracy is among the most valuable qualities that biochemical studies in medicine provide. The findings of biochemistry are commonly applied in medicine and nutrition - biochemists investigate the underlying causes and possible cures of various diseases.

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