
Pediatric Pneumology and Phthysiatry treats diseases of broncho-pulmonary system in children. These diseases constitute ⅔ from the average children’s morbidity. Along with nonspecific lung diseases ..

Pneumology and physiology is a part of the medical science that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

The upper airways generally include nose and sinuses, larynx, pharynx, eustachian tube, and the lower trachea and the lining of the lungs - bronchi, bronchioli, pleura, etc.

Due to the specificity of the child's organism, the high morbidity (more than 60% of the total morbidity) of the respiratory system in children, the tendency for these diseases to be chronicized and the increase of the cases of primary tuberculosis in children and adolescents, pediatric pneumology and phthisiology.

Pediatric pneumology and phthisiatry

Specialists in Pediatric Pneumology and Phthysiatry are doctors and physicians who have extensive knowledge and training in general pediatrics and are also closely specialized in the prevention, emergency care, diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases in children and adolescents.

Early and accurate diagnostics, good handling of epidemiological data, in-depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the body at different ages are the foundations of good prevention of pulmonary obstruction in children and adolescents.

The activities of doctors practicing pediatric pneumology and phthisiatry include:

• medical care aimed at the prevention of morbidity and protection of public health
• consultative and curative activities within specialized or multiprofile hospitals
• ability to diagnose pathology in other systems and organs that may have led to respiratory tract damage, as well as recognition of disturbances in the function of other organs and systems as a result of primary pulmonary pathology
• expert and scientific work

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