
This specialty is called environmental hygiene or environmental medicine. Community Hygiene studies the hygiene factors: air, water, soil, noise, ambient temperature and their impact on human health..

Community Hygiene is a key section of hygiene science that studies all factors comprising living environment, defines “healthy” environmental quality and estimates the risk for public health and different sensitive groups within acute or chronic exposure.

This specialty is called environmental hygiene or environmental medicine. Community Hygiene studies the hygiene factors: air, water, soil, noise, ambient temperature and their impact on human health in homes, public places and settlements.

The specialist, qualified in the field of community hygiene, must be able to analyze, collate, read, summarize and draw health hygiene conclusion with recommended norms based on data from studies on specific environmental factors examined under the requirements of specific laws and regulations.

A specialist in community hygiene must have a variety of basic skills. These skills correlate with the possibilities of modern physical, chemical and microbiological methods for analysis on all factors comprising the living environment. The specialist must be able to give valid assessment on the  obtained results  as well as the ability of presenting them.

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