
Gynecology and abdominal surgery is a specialty that deals with surgical treatment within female reproductive system, if any diseases are located, or if there is some kind of disorder in the ...

Gynecology and abdominal surgery requires a set of different competences and skills that take place in variable types of medical activities, for example: diagnostic, preventive, methodological, expert, scientific and teaching types. All types of activities are related to: physiological processes, fertilization, pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period, maturation, cycle functions and aging of female reproductive system; pathological deviations among all mentioned above processes; as well as to some other disorders concerning female reproductive system.

Gynecology is closely specialized medical and biological science studying the structure, functions and diseases of the female reproductive system outside during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

The term is derived from the Ancient Greek words ginaikos - woman and logos - science.

The main objective of gynecology is to find and implement more effective methods for preserving and improving the reproductive health of women and to reveal and remove the causes of their infertility.

The following problems are addressed by gynecology:

• diagnosis of precancerous conditions of the female reproductive system
• application of modern methods for treatment of precancerous conditions of the reproductive system
• application of the early diagnosis of cancer of the cervix
• screening for human papilloma virus (HPV)
• advanced diagnosis and treatment of cancer of the vulva
• diagnosis and treatment of cancer of the vagina
• diagnosis and treatment of cancer of uterus and ovaries
• endoscopic diagnosis
• minimally invasive surgery
• standard gynecological surgery
• urogynecology
• pelvic surgery
• contraception and hormone replacement therapy
• comprehensive oncological prophylaxis
• child and adolescent Gynecology

Most of the medical activities in this specialty are surgical. The gynecology and abdominal surgery specialists acquire some basic skills from general surgery.

Gynecology and abdominal surgery is a specialty that deals with surgical treatment within female reproductive system, if any diseases are located, or if there is some kind of disorder in the abdominal wall/cavity.

The abdominal surgery was first mentioned during Hippocrates and Galen. Nowadays modern abdominal surgery is performed with minimum operational trauma. Endoscopic surgery methods are much more often performed now.

Abdominal (visceral) surgery also covers various knowledge & technical skills necessary for adequate diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the esophagus, abdominal organs, endocrine organs, anterior abdominal wall and retroperitoneal space.

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